The Top Most Used PHP Functions Cheat Sheet With Examples
Introduction to Your PHP Refresher: A Cheat Sheet-focused Approach
Grasping the Constants and Variables of PHP Syntax
In essence, PHP functions are shortcuts for chunks of code. They are crucial for efficiently handling PHP variable scope. This makes programming in PHP more manageable and maintains code efficiency. These functions don’t limit you to integrated ones like isset(); you can even create your own. With PHP functions serving not just as identifier placeholders for larger portions of code, they also ease the process of reuse without pasting entire code snippets each time. Furthermore, built-in PHP functions such as settype() are instrumental in determining and adjusting the type of a variable, providing a deeper layer of control over data handling.
Uncovering the Role of PHP Functions in Web Development
PHP functions are essential in web development. They are crucial in the realm of server-side scripting, handling and streamlining processes like string management, date and number manipulation, and data loops executed on a web server such as Apache. Moreover, using file PHP, a PHP script can effectively gather and manipulate data from web forms, a significant aspect of many web applications. This server-side capability is the backbone of popular CMS like WordPress that heavily relies on PHP. Consequently, PHP has become possibly the most widely-used web development language in use today.
PHP Syntax Cheat Sheet: Defining a PHP Function
The Framework of a PHP Function
The design of a PHP function is straightforward.
The keyword function
pairs with a name, signifying the start of the function. The functionality that follows, encompassed within curly braces, is the code that runs when the function is called.The overall structure of a PHP function looks like this:
function functionName() {
// Your PHP code here
Diverse Types of PHP Functions: Statements, Constants, and Variables
Several types of PHP functions exist. Built-in functions, like str_replace()
or date()
, come with PHP out of the box. Programmers create user-defined functions to suit specific needs. PHP’s anonymous functions, also known as closures, play a role in callback scenarios and don’t have a specified name. You’ll also encounter conditional functions that get declared conditionally and can be called anytime after declaration!
Master PHP Functions With Practical Examples included in PHP Cheat Sheet PDF
String Functions in PHP: strlen, trim, str_replace, and more
PHP string functions are instrumental in managing and manipulating text data. Among these functions, there is strlen()
which returns the length of a string
// Define a string variable
$string = "Hello, world!";
// Calculate the length of the string using strlen() function
$length = strlen($string);
// Output the length of the string
echo "The length of the string is: $length";
and trim()
, while also being a tool to thwart attacks by stripping scripts of harmful characters, removes whitespace from both ends of a string.
// Define a string variable with leading and trailing whitespace
$string = " Hello, world! ";
// Trim the whitespace from the beginning and end of the string using trim() function
$trimmed_string = trim($string);
// Output the original string and the trimmed string
echo "Original string: '$string'\n";
echo "Trimmed string: '$trimmed_string'";
In addition, there’s str_replace()
, used to replace some characters with other characters in a string,
// Define a string variable
$string = "Hello, world!";
// Replace "world" with "PHP" in the string using str_replace() function
$new_string = str_replace("world", "PHP", $string);
// Output the original string and the string after replacement
echo "Original string: $string\n";
echo "String after replacement: $new_string";
and stripslashes()
, a function designed to unquote a string quoted with addslashes()
// Define a string containing special characters
$string_with_special_chars = "This is a string with a single quote: O'Connor";
// Add slashes to the string to escape special characters
$escaped_string = addslashes($string_with_special_chars);
// Output the original string and the escaped string
echo "Original string: $string_with_special_chars\n";
echo "Escaped string: $escaped_string\n";
// Remove slashes from the escaped string
$unescaped_string = stripslashes($escaped_string);
// Output the unescaped string
echo "Unescaped string: $unescaped_string";
Along with stristr(), which finds the first case-insensitive occurrence of a string within another string,
// Define a string
$string = "Hello, world!";
// Search for the substring "WORLD" in the string, case-insensitive
$result = stristr($string, "WORLD");
// Output the result
if ($result === false) {
echo "Substring 'WORLD' not found in the string.\n";
} else {
echo "Substring 'WORLD' found in the string: $result\n";
and strstr()
– its case-sensitive counterpart,
// Define a string
$string = "Hello, world!";
// Find the first occurrence of "world" in the string using strstr() function
$substring = strstr($string, "world");
// Output the result
echo "Substring found: $substring";
these functions ease the handling of text data in PHP web development.
When comparing strings, PHP provides strnatcasecmp()
for a “natural order” algorithm comparison
// Define an array of strings
$strings = array("image1.jpg", "image10.jpg", "image2.jpg", "Image20.jpg");
// Sort the array using natural order case-insensitive comparison
usort($strings, "strnatcasecmp");
// Output the sorted array
echo "Sorted array:\n";
foreach ($strings as $string) {
echo "$string\n";
and strncasecmp()
for string comparison of the first ‘n’ characters,
// Define an array of strings
$strings = array("Apple", "banana", "cherry", "Date", "eggplant");
// Define a comparison function using strncasecmp()
function compare_strings($a, $b) {
// Compare strings case-insensitively up to the first 3 characters
return strncasecmp($a, $b, 3);
// Sort the array using usort() and the comparison function
usort($strings, "compare_strings");
// Output the sorted array
echo "Sorted array:\n";
foreach ($strings as $string) {
echo "$string\n";
both operating in a case-insensitive manner. These functionalities, among others, significantly enhance the management and manipulation of text data within PHP web development.
Arithmetic Functions in PHP: round, number_format, abs, etc.
PHP Arithmetic functions like round()
, number_format()
, and abs()
are indispensable tools.
The round()
function, with its precision, gives you the rounded number to a specified decimal point – a particular digit.
// Define a float number
$number = 10.555;
// Round the float number to the nearest integer
$rounded_number = round($number);
// Output the original number and the rounded number
echo "Original number: $number\n";
echo "Rounded number: $rounded_number\n";
// Round the float number to two decimal places
$rounded_decimal = round($number, 2);
// Output the original number and the rounded number with two decimal places
echo "Original number: $number\n";
echo "Rounded number (two decimal places): $rounded_decimal\n";
The number_format()
, formats numbers as strings with control over the decimal point, enabling precise manipulation of digits.
// Assuming you have a database connection established using mysqli
// Fetching a value of MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL from the database
// For demonstration, let's assume the fetched value is 12345.6789
$value_from_database = 12345.6789;
// Using number_format() function to format the number
$formatted_value = number_format($value_from_database, 2, '.', ',');
// Output the formatted value
echo "Formatted value: $formatted_value";
The abs()
function delivers the absolute value of a number, which, irrespective of sign, is always positive. This function further refines the notion of the “remainder” in mathematics, providing an absolute digit without negative impacts. With the ability to also FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT, by removing all characters except digits and + – signs, numerical data is made more manageable, thanks to these skillfully constructed functions.
// Define a mixed value with numerical and non-numerical characters
$value = "-123abc456";
// Sanitize the value to extract only the integer part using FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT
$sanitized_value = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
// Convert the sanitized value to its absolute value using abs() function
$absolute_value = abs((int)$sanitized_value);
// Output the original value, sanitized value, and absolute value
echo "Original value: $value\n";
echo "Sanitized value: $sanitized_value\n";
echo "Absolute value: $absolute_value\n";
Array Functions essentials in PHP: count, array_push, array_pop, etc.
Array functions in PHP add an element of versatility. As part of these, you encounter array keys, which form the bedrock of associative arrays. PHP knows three different types of arrays: indexed arrays – with a numeric index, associative arrays – where array keys are named, and multidimensional arrays – that contain one or several other arrays.
To start with, the count()
function lets you tally the elements in an array, thus giving you a quick sense of your data set’s size.
// Define an array
$array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// Count the number of elements in the array
$count = count($array);
// Output the count
echo "The number of elements in the array is: $count";
Moreover, functions like array_push()
are used to push one or more elements onto the end of an array, while its counterpart, array_pop()
, removes the last element of an array – these functions showcase the dynamism available when handling array data. Embracing these functionalities and understanding their applications will streamline your data processing workflows in PHP drastically.
// Define an empty array
$stack = array();
// Push elements onto the stack using array_push()
array_push($stack, "apple", "banana", "cherry");
// Output the stack after pushing elements
echo "Stack after pushing elements:\n";
// Pop an element from the stack using array_pop()
$element = array_pop($stack);
// Output the popped element and the stack after popping
echo "Popped element: $element\n";
echo "Stack after popping element:\n";
Time & Date Functions in PHP: date, date_format, strtotime, etc.
Date and time functions in PHP are powerful tools. For instance, by taking advantage of default settings such as the mysqli::character_set_name()
// Get the character set name of the current connection
$charset_name = $conn->character_set_name();
// Output the character set name
echo "Character set name: $charset_name";
you can also retrieve and format date and time by using the date()
// Set the default timezone
// Get the current date and time
$current_date_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// Output the current date and time
echo "Current date and time: $current_date_time\n";
// Format the current date in a custom format
$formatted_date = date('l, F jS Y');
// Output the formatted date
echo "Formatted date: $formatted_date\n";
In addition to this, the date_format()
function comes in handy for formatting the date or time components in a given DateInterval
or DateTime
// Create a DateTime object representing a specific date and time
$date = date_create('2022-01-01 15:30:00');
// Format the date using the date_format() function
$formatted_date = date_format($date, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
// Output the formatted date
echo "Formatted date: $formatted_date";
On a similar note, the strtotime()
function enables to transform any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp.
// Define a date/time string
$date_string = "next Sunday";
// Convert the date/time string to a Unix timestamp using strtotime()
$timestamp = strtotime($date_string);
// Output the Unix timestamp
echo "Unix timestamp for '$date_string': $timestamp\n";
// Convert the Unix timestamp back to a human-readable date/time format
$human_readable_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp);
// Output the human-readable date/time
echo "Human-readable date/time for '$timestamp': $human_readable_date\n";
Thus, iterating through the use of these functions, much like a PHP loop, facilitates programmers with the ability to execute any block of code lines repeatedly. Extracting date and time information is essential for a vast range of web applications.
Mathematical Functions in PHP: rand, max, min, etc.
PHP’s mathematical functions, such as rand()
, max()
, and min()
, provide robust solutions for dealing with numerical data. rand($min, $max)
generates a random number within a given range.
// Generate a random number between 1 and 100 using rand() function
$random_number = rand(1, 100);
// Define two numbers
$number1 = 25;
$number2 = 50;
// Find the maximum of two numbers using max() function
$max_number = max($number1, $number2);
// Find the minimum of two numbers using min() function
$min_number = min($number1, $number2);
// Output the results
echo "Random number between 1 and 100: $random_number\n";
echo "Maximum of $number1 and $number2: $max_number\n";
echo "Minimum of $number1 and $number2: $min_number\n";
Some other beneficial features in PHP are array-sorting functions like arsort()
, which sorts an array in reverse order while maintaining index association.
// Define an associative array with keys and values
$fruits = array(
"apple" => 50,
"banana" => 30,
"cherry" => 40,
"date" => 20
// Sort the array in descending order, maintaining key-value associations
// Output the sorted array
echo "Sorted array in descending order:\n";
foreach ($fruits as $fruit => $quantity) {
echo "$fruit : $quantity\n";
and krsort()
which sorts an array by key in reverse order.
// Define an associative array
$age = array("John" => 30, "Mary" => 25, "Peter" => 35);
// Sort the array by keys in reverse order
// Output the sorted array
echo "Sorted array by keys in reverse order:\n";
foreach ($age as $key => $value) {
echo "$key: $value\n";
There’s also a function called array_reverse()
which simply returns an array in the reverse order.
// Define an array of colors
$colors = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow");
// Reverse the order of the array using array_reverse() function
$reversed_colors = array_reverse($colors);
// Output the original and reversed arrays
echo "Original array: ";
echo "Reversed array: ";
Another function, strrev()
literally takes a string and gives it back in reverse order
// Define a string
$string = "Hello, world!";
// Reverse the string using strrev() function
$reversed_string = strrev($string);
// Output the original and reversed strings
echo "Original string: $string\n";
echo "Reversed string: $reversed_string";
In conclusion, PHP functions like arsort()
, krsort()
, array_reverse()
, and strrev()
also play an integral role in dealing with data but in a reverse or reverse order methodology. Meanwhile, max()
and min()
come in handy for extracting the highest and lowest value within an array or a list of integer values, respectively. Web applications that involve calculations or random number generation hugely benefit from these functions.
Constructing Functions Using Various PHP Operators: Conditional Statements and More
Assignment Operators in PHP
Assignment operators in PHP are a core part of manipulating data. They are vital not only for data manipulation, but also while constructing and executing an SQL query in a secure manner, especially with modules like mysqli
and PDO
using prepared statements. Besides the standard assignment operator = (e.g., a = b), you also have several compound operators like += (a += b is equivalent to a = a + b), -=, *=, /=, and %=. These operators, combined with the standard = operator, allow for more complex mathematical operations in PHP, while also facilitating efficient query handling, which is crucial for data protection.
// Define a variable
$number = 10;
// Increment the variable using the compound addition assignment operator (+=)
$number += 5; // Equivalent to: $number = $number + 5;
// Decrement the variable using the compound subtraction assignment operator (-=)
$number -= 3; // Equivalent to: $number = $number - 3;
// Multiply the variable using the compound multiplication assignment operator (*=)
$number *= 2; // Equivalent to: $number = $number * 2;
// Divide the variable using the compound division assignment operator (/=)
$number /= 4; // Equivalent to: $number = $number / 4;
// Modulo the variable using the compound modulus assignment operator (%=)
$number %= 3; // Equivalent to: $number = $number % 3;
// Concatenate a string using the compound concatenation assignment operator (.=)
$text = "The final result is: ";
$text .= $number; // Equivalent to: $text = $text . $number;
// Output the final result
echo $text; // Output: "The final result is: 2"
Comparison via PHP Operators
PHP comparison operators allow for specific conditions to be evaluated. For instance, ==
checks if two values are equal, while !=
and <>
check for inequality. For identical (equal in terms of value and type) or not identical comparisons, we use ===
or !==
respectively. Operators like <
, >
, <=
, >=
, and <=>
enable comparisons for less than, greater than, less or equal, greater or equal, and the combined less, equal, or greater than conditions respectively.
// Define variables for comparison
$a = 10;
$b = 5;
// != (Not Equal To): Checks if $a is not equal to $b
$result1 = $a != $b; // true
// <> (Not Equal To): Same as !=, another way to write it
$result2 = $a <> $b; // true
// < (Less Than): Checks if $a is less than $b
$result3 = $a < $b; // false
// > (Greater Than): Checks if $a is greater than $b
$result4 = $a > $b; // true
// <= (Less Than or Equal To): Checks if $a is less than or equal to $b
$result5 = $a <= $b; // false
// >= (Greater Than or Equal To): Checks if $a is greater than or equal to $b
$result6 = $a >= $b; // true
// === (Identical): Checks if $a is identical to $b (same value and same type)
$result7 = $a === $b; // false
// !== (Not Identical): Checks if $a is not identical to $b (different value or different type)
$result8 = $a !== $b; // true
// <=> (Spaceship): Returns -1 if $a is less than $b, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if $a is greater than $b
$result9 = $a <=> $b; // 1 (since $a is greater than $b)
Understanding Logical Operators in PHP
Logical operators in PHP help piece together multiple conditions. When combined with filter functions, they support in creating complex conditions by validating and filtering data through insecure input sources.
// Define variables
$age = 25;
$is_student = true;
// Logical AND operator (&&)
if ($age >= 18 && $is_student) {
echo "You are eligible for student discount.";
} else {
echo "You are not eligible for student discount.";
echo "\n";
// Logical OR operator (||)
$grade = 'A';
if ($grade == 'A' || $grade == 'B') {
echo "You passed the exam with a good grade.";
} else {
echo "You did not pass the exam with a good grade.";
echo "\n";
// Logical NOT operator (!)
$is_adult = true;
if (!$is_adult) {
echo "You are not an adult.";
} else {
echo "You are an adult.";
Such logical operators integrated with filter functions are instrumental in creating complex conditionals in PHP functions.
Cheat Sheet PHP Solutions for Error Handling
A Guide to Error Reporting in PHP
Error reporting in PHP is made easy with error_reporting()
function. It’s a critical tool for debugging PHP, as it simplifies the process by promptly displaying all errors and warnings. It uniquely supports various levels for different types of errors, for instance, E_ERROR
for critical run-time errors, or E_WARNING
for less severe run-time errors.
// Turn on error reporting for all types of errors
// Attempt to open a non-existing file
$file = 'non_existent_file.txt';
$handle = fopen($file, 'r');
// Check if fopen() failed
if ($handle === false) {
// Output the error message
echo "Error: Failed to open file '$file'.";
A useful practice is to have error reporting enabled during development and turned off once your application is launched. By utilizing these functionalities effectively, PHP developers can optimize their code and bring potential hazards to light. Plus, additional measures, such as outputting PHP data using echo or print, can help in fine-tuning the debugging process.
Exception Management in PHP
In PHP, exception handling is a robust process. An important note about PHP: the behavior of these error functions are affected by settings in the PHP. PHP is built for handling disruptions that occur during the PHP program execution. Using try, catch, and finally PHP commands, not case-sensitive like all other PHP commands, we can write code that can handle exceptions gracefully. Additionally, PHP, unlike PHP functions and commands where variables are case sensitive, has an array of built-in functions to handle errors. They include set_exception_handler()
, error_get_last()
, and debug_backtrace()
. These PHP settings and commands further ensure a smoother development process with this assortment of error-handling functionality.
// Define a custom exception handler function
function customExceptionHandler($exception) {
echo "Exception caught: " . $exception->getMessage() . "\n";
// Get information about the last error that occurred
$last_error = error_get_last();
if ($last_error !== null) {
echo "Last error: " . $last_error['message'] . "\n";
// Get a backtrace of the current call stack
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
echo "Backtrace:\n";
foreach ($backtrace as $level => $trace) {
echo "#$level ";
if (isset($trace['file'])) {
echo $trace['file'] . "(" . $trace['line'] . "): ";
if (isset($trace['function'])) {
echo $trace['function'] . "()\n";
// Register the custom exception handler function
// Example: Triggering an exception
function foo() {
throw new Exception("An exception occurred in function foo()");
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Exception caught by the custom exception handler
Advanced PHP Functions: From Variables to Loops
Beyond the Basics: Advanced String and Array Functions in PHP
Advanced string and array functions offer even more nuanced manipulation. String functions like strpos()
and substr()
can identify the position of a substring or extract parts of a string, respectively.
// Define a string
$string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
// Find the position of the word "fox" in the string
$position = strpos($string, "fox");
// Check if "fox" exists in the string
if ($position !== false) {
// If "fox" exists, extract the substring from the position of "fox" to the end of the string
$substring = substr($string, $position);
echo "Substring starting from 'fox': $substring\n";
} else {
echo "'fox' not found in the string.\n";
However, functions like strchr()
, stristr()
, and strstr()
find the first occurrence of a string inside another string, improving the output strings’ quality. For variables that aren’t recognized, they return null
// Define a string
$string = "Hello, world!";
// Using strchr() function
$substring1 = strchr($string, "w");
// Using stristr() function
$substring2 = stristr($string, "W");
// Using strstr() function
$substring3 = strstr($string, "world");
// Output the results
echo "Using strchr(): $substring1\n";
echo "Using stristr(): $substring2\n";
echo "Using strstr(): $substring3\n";
On the array front, MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG
helps indicate a field defined as NOT NULL
, and the is_null
function determines if a variable is NULL
. Functions like array_intersect()
, array_diff()
, and array_push()
provide advanced array operations. These high-level functions enable rather sophisticated manipulation of arrays and strings, facilitating more complex PHP applications.
// Define two arrays
$array1 = array("apple", "banana", "orange", "kiwi");
$array2 = array("orange", "kiwi", "pear", "grape");
// Find common elements between the two arrays using array_intersect()
$common_elements = array_intersect($array1, $array2);
// Output the common elements
echo "Common elements: ";
echo "\n";
// Find elements in array1 that are not in array2 using array_diff()
$diff_elements = array_diff($array1, $array2);
// Output the elements in array1 that are not in array2
echo "Elements in array1 but not in array2: ";
echo "\n";
// Push new elements into an array using array_push()
$new_fruits = array("melon", "strawberry");
// Add new elements to array1 using array_push()
foreach ($new_fruits as $fruit) {
array_push($array1, $fruit);
// Output the modified array1
echo "Array1 after pushing new elements: ";
Calculating with Advanced Date/Time and Mathematical Functions in PHP
Not to be outdone, advanced date/time and math functions in PHP provide some serious number-crunching power. Leveraging its class structure, which serves as a PHP template for objects, functions such as checkdate()
, date_add()
, and date_diff()
offer a range of operations for date verification, addition, and subtraction. With this template, PHP’s capabilities are significantly expanded.
// Example using checkdate() to validate a date
$month = 2;
$day = 29;
$year = 2024;
if (checkdate($month, $day, $year)) {
echo "The date $month/$day/$year is valid.\n";
} else {
echo "The date $month/$day/$year is invalid.\n";
// Example using date_add() to add days to a date
$date = date_create("2024-02-20");
date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string("3 days"));
echo "After adding 3 days: " . date_format($date, "Y-m-d") . "\n";
// Example using date_diff() to find the difference between two dates
$date1 = date_create("2024-02-20");
$date2 = date_create("2024-03-01");
$diff = date_diff($date1, $date2);
echo "Difference between dates: " . $diff->format("%R%a days");
When it comes to math functions, sqrt()
, pow()
, and pi()
extend PHP’s mathematical scope by enabling square root computations, power calculations, and access to the value of pi. This, too, is made possible through the use of these class templates, which function to sharpen and streamline PHP’s performance.
// Calculate the square root of a number
$number = 16;
$square_root = sqrt($number);
// Output the result
echo "The square root of $number is: $square_root\n";
// Calculate the power of a number
$base = 2;
$exponent = 3;
$result_power = pow($base, $exponent);
// Output the result
echo "The result of $base raised to the power of $exponent is: $result_power\n";
// Calculate the circumference of a circle
$radius = 5;
$circumference = 2 * pi() * $radius;
// Output the result
echo "The circumference of the circle with radius $radius is: $circumference\n";
Both these categories of functions substantially rev up PHP’s capabilities, thanks to the effectiveness of the PHP template system.
Crafting Custom PHP Functions: A PHP Refresher
The Rationale Behind User-Defined Functions
User-Defined Functions serve a pivotal role in PHP programming. With them, you can write a code that caters specifically to a unique task, like capturing the capabilities of the user’s browser — something which might not be readily available with built-in functions. You can further fine-tune this code to fit your requirements precisely. Plus, the advantage of PHP functioning as a server-side language, it executes on the server, not in the user browser, greatly enhancing precision and user experience. Since user-defined functions can be deployed multiple times within a program, they help avoid code repetition, improve code readability, and maintainability. Crucially, this also avoids any potential glitches that could occur if the browser mistakenly tried to process code comments.
Creating and Implementing User-Defined Functions
Defining a user-defined function in PHP is straightforward. We start with the function keyword, followed by a unique function name, such as implode()
which returns a string from the elements of an array, and then the code within braces.
// Define an array of fruits
$fruits = array("Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Mango");
// Join the elements of the array into a string using implode() function
$comma_separated = implode(", ", $fruits);
// Output the resulting string
echo "Fruits: $comma_separated";
To use a user-defined function, it’s a matter of invoking the function name followed by parentheses. For example,
function myFunction() {
// Your PHP code here
defines a function, and myFunction()
is how you’d invoke it. And with that, you’ve got your own custom PHP function! A user-defined function might be as simple as one that removes all illegal characters from an email address utilizing FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL
PHP Cheat Sheet PDFs for Swift Referencing PHP Functions
How to Leverage PHP Function Cheat Sheets?
PHP function cheat sheets are an excellent resource for swift referencing. They consolidate PHP’s critical functions into a digestible form, instantly transforming your device into a handy directory of PHP knowledge. Whenever you can’t recall the nuances of a command like echo
or print
, or forget the syntax of an ini file, a cheat sheet promptly jogs your memory. Some cheat sheets even delve deeper into informative blog-like format, providing a brief note about each function’s purpose and usage. For instance, you may find functions like disk_free_space()
that returns the free space of a directory
// Specify the path to the filesystem or disk partition
$disk_partition = '/';
// Get the amount of free space available on the specified disk partition
$free_space = disk_free_space($disk_partition);
// Convert the bytes to a human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB, GB)
$free_space_readable = format_bytes($free_space);
// Output the amount of free space available
echo "Free space available on $disk_partition: $free_space_readable\n";
* Function to format bytes to a human-readable format (KB, MB, GB)
* @param int $bytes Number of bytes
* @return string Formatted string
function format_bytes($bytes) {
$units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
$i = 0;
while ($bytes >= 1024 && $i < count($units) - 1) {
$bytes /= 1024;
return round($bytes, 2) . ' ' . $units[$i];
or ftp_rawlist()
that discloses a detailed list of files in a certain directory. With GLOB_ONLYDIR’s help, which returns only directory entries matching the pattern, you can further optimize your PHP tasks. So, keep a cheat sheet handy and utilize it as your quick PHP reference guide.
// Connection settings
$ftp_server = '';
$ftp_username = 'username';
$ftp_password = 'password';
// Connect to the FTP server
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
if (!$conn_id) {
die("Failed to connect to FTP server");
// Login to the FTP server
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_username, $ftp_password);
if (!$login_result) {
die("Failed to login to FTP server");
// Set passive mode (optional)
ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);
// Get raw directory listing
$raw_list = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, ".");
// Output the raw directory listing
echo "Raw Directory Listing:\n";
foreach ($raw_list as $line) {
echo $line . "\n";
// Close the FTP connection
Demystifying PHP Cheat Sheets with Example-led Approach
PHP cheat sheets by examples are undoubtedly worth exploring. They not only list down the functions but also illustrate each one uniquely with an example. The functions can manipulate everything from array keys to filenames in various cases. For instance, you might come across array_change_key_case()
, a function which converts all array keys to uppercase or lowercase.
// Define an associative array with mixed case keys
$array = array(
"FirstName" => "John",
"LastName" => "Doe",
"Age" => 30
// Change the case of array keys to lowercase
$lowercase_keys = array_change_key_case($array, CASE_LOWER);
// Output the original array and the array with lowercase keys
echo "Original array:\n";
echo "\nLowercase keys array:\n";
These examples demonstrate converting the ‘array’ keys to a lowercase or uppercase format. Similarly, functions like glob()
and basename()
deal with filenames, providing an array of filenames/directories matching a specified pattern.
// Define a directory path
$directory = "/path/to/directory/*.jpg";
// Get an array of files matching the pattern using glob() function
$files = glob($directory);
// Loop through each file and print its basename using basename() function
foreach ($files as $file) {
// Get the basename of the file
$basename = basename($file);
// Output the basename
echo "File: $basename\n";
A function like fnmatch()
would be used to match a filename or string against a specified pattern.
// Define a pattern
$pattern = "*.txt";
// Define an array of filenames
$filenames = array("file1.txt", "file2.jpg", "file3.txt", "file4.csv");
// Iterate through each filename and check if it matches the pattern using fnmatch()
foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
if (fnmatch($pattern, $filename)) {
echo "$filename matches the pattern $pattern\n";
} else {
echo "$filename does not match the pattern $pattern\n";
This hands-on approach paves a way to a tangible understanding of a function’s applicability – a surefire way to get a grip on PHP’s comprehensive function suite.
MySQLi and Your PHP Loop: A Course Definition
How to Continually Learn PHP and Achieve Mastery
Mastering PHP is an ongoing journey, achievable with consistency and practice. Experiment with functions like rsort()
for reverse array sorting
// Define an array of numbers
$numbers = array(5, 2, 8, 3, 1, 7);
// Sort the array in reverse order
// Output the sorted array
echo "Sorted array in reverse order:\n";
foreach ($numbers as $number) {
echo "$number\n";
for removing tags or special characters from a string.
// Define a string with HTML tags and special characters
$string = "<b>Hello</b>, world! <script>alert('XSS')</script>";
// Sanitize the string using FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING filter
$sanitized_string = filter_var($string, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
// Output the original and sanitized strings
echo "Original string: $string\n";
echo "Sanitized string: $sanitized_string";
Build simple web applications to apply your knowledge, grasp various data types (booleans, floats, objects), and use resources like PHP manuals, tutorials, and online courses. Stay informed about PHP commands, like print_r
for displaying variables,
// Define an associative array with some data
$person = array(
'name' => 'John Doe',
'age' => 30,
'email' => '',
'is_student' => false,
'hobbies' => array('reading', 'cooking', 'hiking')
// Print the information about the array using print_r() function
echo "Information about the person:\n";
and leverage PHP tags in HTML for enhanced web development. Stay tuned to the PHP community for best practices and new features to grow as a proficient PHP programmer.
Resources for Learning PHP
There are numerous resources to get you started with PHP or advance your knowledge. Websites like W3Schools and Codecademy provide excellent tutorials and interactive lessons. Understanding PHP is also key to managing content management systems such as WordPress. This investment in learning PHP will empower you to write efficient code and handle platforms like WordPress more proficiently. So, choose the resource that aligns with your learning style and get your journey started!
Final Thoughts on PHP functions and Cheatsheet PHP
The Impact of Using PHP Functions in Web Development
PHP functions have a significant impact on web development. They streamline the process of integrating text input and form input operations into various parts of a website. For instance,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Form Example</title>
<h2>Form Example</h2>
// Check if the form has been submitted
// Retrieve the value of the 'fname' field from the POST data
$name = $_POST['fname'];
// Check if the 'fname' field is empty
if (empty($name)) {
echo "Please Enter your name";
} else {
// If not empty, display the submitted name
echo "Hello, $name!";
// Check if headers have been sent
if (headers_sent()) {
// If headers have been sent, print a message
echo "<p>Headers have been dispatched.</p>";
} else {
// If headers have not been sent, add a custom header
header("Custom-Header: Example");
<!-- HTML form -->
<form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>">
<label for="fname">Enter your name:</label><br>
<input type="text" id="fname" name="fname"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
// Retrieve sent headers
$sent_headers = headers_list();
// Print the sent headers
echo "<h3>Sent Headers:</h3>";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
They make code more readable, maintainable, and scalable, effectively acting as building blocks for modular code by allowing chunks of code to be reused without repetition. PHP functions also take care of details such as defining HTTP headers in different parts of a page like the header or footer streamlining webpage creation. Further, PHP functions can perform a myriad of tasks, ranging from date manipulation to string formatting, making PHP a sturdy and dynamic language for web development.
How to Optimize
Optimizing your PHP code using functions involves some best practices. One such practice is the validation and sanitation of function inputs to preempt security issues like SQL injection. Incorporating techniques such as prepared statements, parameterized queries and the use of `htmlspecialchars()` function can help escape user-supplied data, thus adding a safety modifier against potential vulnerabilities.
Furthermore, $GLOBALS and other predefined variables in PHP can be used to access data across your entire PHP project, offering a streamlined solution. Functions like password_hash()
// User's password
$password = "MyPassword123";
// Hash the password
$hashed_password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
// Output the hashed password
echo "Hashed Password: $hashed_password\n";
// Verify a password against a hash
if (password_verify($password, $hashed_password)) {
echo "Password is valid!\n";
} else {
echo "Password is invalid!\n";
are extremely beneficial in handling user passwords and session IDs in a secure manner.
// Start or resume the session
// Regenerate the session ID
// Display the new session ID
$new_session_id = session_id();
echo "New Session ID: $new_session_id\n";
The power of predefined variables PHP offers can contribute to efficient, secure, and simplified code, thus ensuring noteworthy performance.
Frequently Asked Questions about PHP Functions
What are the most common PHP functions and how are they used?
Some of the most common PHP functions include echo()
, print()
, date()
, strlen()
, trim()
, str_replace()
, and many more. Among these, the echo statement is particularly noteworthy. This PHP function, echo()
, along with print()
, are used for outputting text or variables, giving developers the ability to present data directly to the user interface. date()
retrieves and formats date and time to provide timely and relevant information. The strlen()
function is utilized to compute the length of a string while the trim()
function tidies up your code by removing whitespace from both ends of a string, ensuring the precision of your inputs. Equally essential is the str_replace()
function which allows for substitution of characters within a string. These PHP functions, and others like them, lend a powerful assortment of tools to perform common or complex tasks while developing PHP applications.
How to define custom PHP functions?
Custom PHP functions, also known as user-defined functions, can be defined easily. Start with the function
keyword, followed by the unique name you wish to assign to the function, and then { }
curly braces to enclose your PHP code. For example:
function myCustomFunction() {
// Your PHP code here
To call or use the function, simply type the function name followed by ()
. So, myCustomFunction();
would be how you invoke your custom PHP function. Overall it’s a simple yet powerful construct.
How can PHP functions improve the performance of a web page?
PHP functions can significantly enhance a webpage’s performance. By employing regex, a sequence of characters that defines a text pattern to search, their utility is amplified. As reusable code blocks, these functions reduce redundancy, leading to less code and hence faster loading times. Coupled with RegEx patterns, PHP functions can implement caching techniques and database query optimization more efficiently, reducing the server load. For instance, the use of RegEx in PHP functions can also aid in working with CDNs for systematic static asset delivery. Regular updating and fine-tuning your PHP functions, particularly taking advantage of regex patterns, can result in ongoing performance improvement. Ultimately, it all boils down to skillful use of PHP functions and the powerful tool of regex for a smoother, faster web experience.